Nearly Two Decades Years Of Criminal Defense Experience In Clearwater

Helping You With Your Warrant Concerns

If you are dealing with an arrest warrant or a search warrant, you need to be sure the actions you take are in your best interests. My name is Jenna Finkelstein. At the Clearwater office of the Finkelstein Firm, P.A., I am here to help you through the warrant are facing by providing you with the guidance and information you need.

The Basics Of A Warrant

A warrant is a document, signed by a judge, that authorizes law enforcement to take a specific action. There are three basic types of warrants issued in the state of Florida: bench warrants, arrest warrants and warrants for failure to appear in court (alias warrants). If you or someone you know has an outstanding warrant or has been the subject of a warrant, call my office immediately. I am an attorney who’s experienced in handling Florida warrant issues, no matter what type of warrant you are dealing with.

Bench Warrant Information

A bench warrant is a common criminal warrant that calls for an arrest. The warrant is signed by a judge. Typically, these types of warrants are issued when an individual has been notified to appear in court and has failed to appear. Failing to appear in court can result in a criminal charge if it is found that the individual intentionally failed to appear.

If you have a bench warrant out for failing to appear in court, contact me so that I can assist you. I can seek to have the warrant lifted and arrange a future court appearance. Do not wait on law enforcement to come to your home, your place of employment or your school to arrest you.

Explaining Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is similar to a bench warrant. The primary difference is that an arrest warrant cannot be issued without a supporting affidavit made by a law enforcement official. An affidavit is a sworn statement alleging the reasons why the warrant should be issued. A judge signs the warrant, also known as a capias in the state of Florida, and law enforcement officials are ordered to arrest the subject of the warrant. Arrest warrants are usually issued for one of the following reasons:

When a judge issues an arrest warrant, a bond amount is designated by that judge. The bond amount may be set at zero, meaning that the individual cannot bond out of jail. The seriousness of the charge, along with the history of the case, will usually dictate the bond amount. In less serious circumstances, a judge may set a lower bond. I can immediately request a bond hearing if you are arrested and fight for a bond amount that you and/or your family can afford.

What To Know About Search Warrants

Search warrants, similar to arrest warrants, require a supporting affidavit stating the facts that justify the warrant. A search warrant authorizes law enforcement to search a person or specific property for evidence that has been or is likely to be used during the commission of a crime. The law is very specific when it comes to individuals and their rights to privacy. Oftentimes, search warrants are not executed properly, which can result in the violation of constitutional rights. It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer who knows how to contest these types of warrants.

Getting Legal Guidance When You Need It

At the Finkelstein Firm, P.A., I have years of experience fighting for the rights of individuals who have been the subject of various types of warrants. Contact me today at 727-202-4418 or email my firm here for your free consultation.