Nearly Two Decades Years Of Criminal Defense Experience In Clearwater

Possession Of Child Pornography Charges Defense Attorney In Clearwater

Possession of child pornography is a serious crime in Florida as well as on the federal level. The consequences of a conviction are far-reaching and can be devastating.

At Finkelstein Firm, P.A., I understand the challenges of these cases and the importance of beating them in court, through dismissal or even in negotiations for reduced charges. My name is Jenna Finkelstein, and as I represent you in your case, I will keep you informed about your charges and how I am fighting for you from my Clearwater office.

The Penalties And Defenses Of These Charges

Criminal offenses related to child pornography can be found in Florida Statute 827.071. Possession of child pornography is found in §827.071(5)(a) and can be defined as knowingly possessing, controlling or intentionally viewing a photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, image, data, computer depiction or other presentation when the person knows, in whole or in part, that it includes some form of sexual conduct by a child.

Any person charged with possession of child pornography, a third-degree felony, can face up to five years in prison if they’re convicted, along with a fine and sex offender registration.

Each photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, image, data, computer depiction, representation or presentation may be charged as a separate felony offense. Additionally, if the photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, image, data, computer depiction or other presentation depicts sexual misconduct by more than one child, then the individual may be charged for each child as a separate felony offense.

Not every defense strategy applies to every case, which is why I take the time to review my cases to verify the strength of defenses like:

  • Unintended possession
  • Shared computer
  • Illegal search/seizure
  • Content is not child pornography
  • Entrapment

In Florida, a prosecution for possession of child pornography must be commenced within three years after the commission of the crime.

Let Me Manage Your Defense Strategy

You may have been accused of possessing child pornography, but that does not mean that you are guilty. There are many factual and legal issues that must be investigated and evaluated. Because of the complexities of a possession of child pornography charge, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced sex crimes lawyer right away.

If you or someone you know has been accused of a possession of child pornography sex offense in Pinellas County or the Tampa Bay area, then it is very important that you contact an experienced sex crimes attorney immediately. My team of investigators and experts and I are highly experienced in defending sex crimes, and I will begin building your defense today.

Reach out to my firm for a free analysis of your case at my local office, located in Clearwater. Contact me by calling 727-202-4418 or emailing my office here to learn about your legal options if you have been accused of possession of child pornography.