Defending Yourself From DUI Charges Involving Bodily Harm
Driving under the influence (DUI) with serious bodily injury is a significant third-degree felony charge for which the penalties are extensive. Instead of apologizing and hoping for minimal consequences, let a skilled lawyer defend you against your charges.
When you come to the Finkelstein Firm, P.A., in Clearwater, you will be met by an attorney who is dedicated to your best interests. My name is Jenna Finkelstein, and I am ready to explore all options of minimizing your charges, dismissing them or beating them in court, starting by explaining what is at stake in your case.
Elements Of A Serious Bodily Injury Enhancement
As defined by Florida Statute 316.1933, serious bodily injury is considered when an injury to a person, including the driver, consists of a physical condition that creates one or more of the following:
- A substantial risk of death
- Serious personal disfigurement
- A protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ
Based on my experience and knowledge of the law, I will be able to discuss which injuries may qualify as “serious bodily injury” during your case evaluation.
DUI with serious bodily injury is a Level 7 felony offense in Florida, which means that being found guilty of this crime carries a mandatory prison sentence. Minimum penalties for this crime include:
- Up to five years in prison or five years of probation
- A $5,000 fine
- Possible restitution paid to the victim for compensation
- A three-year driver’s license suspension
- Mandatory substance abuse treatment
- Mandatory DUI education classes
There is no one-size-fits-all defense when it comes to a DUI with serious bodily injury, which is why I craft my custom-tailored strategies based on the unique needs of every case I take.
Do Not Wait To Meet With Me
I understand that facing a criminal charge can be frightening and overwhelming. Because of the potential consequences associated with the crime of DUI with serious bodily injury, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced defense attorney right away. I have years of experience defending citizens charged with DUI with serious bodily injury. I have the knowledge and skills to fight for the best results possible in your case, and I am accessible and dependable when you need me the most.
Call my firm at 727-202-4418 or email me here to schedule a free analysis of your case at my local office, located in Clearwater. I handle cases in Pinellas County and the surrounding areas, including Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Pasco and Polk counties. It is crucial to learn your legal options if you have been accused of DUI with serious bodily injury. Let me start working for you today.