Nearly Two Decades Years Of Criminal Defense Experience In Clearwater

Clearwater Lawyer Defending Your Future Against Indecent Exposure Charges

Indecent exposure is a first-degree misdemeanor in the state of Florida. In order to convict an individual of indecent exposure, the state must prove that the exposure is not mere nudity, such as breastfeeding in public. The state must prove that the exposure was done in a vulgar or indecent manner.

These allegations are serious, and all possible defenses should be explored by an experienced criminal trial lawyer. My name is Jenna Finkelstein. At the Finkelstein Firm, P.A., in Clearwater, I treat all my clients with the respect and compassion they deserve from their defense attorney, and I am ready to offer you the same level of representation in your case.

The Basics Of These Charges

Under Florida Statute 800.03, indecent exposure is committed when a person exposes one’s sexual organs in one or more of the following manners:

  • In public
  • On the private premises of another
  • Near enough to one’s private premises to be seen
  • In a vulgar or indecent manner
  • To be naked in public, exempting any place designated for that purpose

Indecent exposure is a first-degree misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail along with a fine. There are defenses to indecent exposure, including the following:

  • You did not intend to commit the offense.
  • The exposure was not meant to be viewed by the public and was committed on your private property.
  • The exposure was not vulgar or lewd.
  • The exposure was in a place designated for the purpose of changing, such as a public bathroom.

Being accused of a sex crime such as indecent exposure does not necessarily mean that you are guilty of said crime, and my goal as your attorney is to prove your innocence in these cases.

Start Your Defense With Me

There are many factual and legal issues that must be investigated and evaluated. Because of the complexities and penalties associated with an indecent exposure charge, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced criminal trial lawyer right away.

If you or someone you know has been accused of indecent exposure in Pinellas County or the surrounding areas, it is very important that you contact an experienced sex crimes attorney immediately. My team of investigators and experts and I are highly experienced in defending sex crimes, and I will begin building your defense today.

Contact my firm for a free analysis of your case at my local office, located in Clearwater. Call me at 727-202-4418 or email me here for a free consultation to learn about your legal options if you have been accused of indecent exposure. Start building your defense immediately