Nearly Two Decades Years Of Criminal Defense Experience In Clearwater

A Skilled Defense Against Domestic Battery By Strangulation Charges

Under Florida Statute 784.041, domestic battery by strangulation is committed when a person knowingly and willingly – against the will of the alleged victim – impedes the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a family or household member or of a person with whom they are in a dating relationship so as to create a risk of or cause great bodily harm by applying pressure on the throat or neck of the other person by blocking their nose or mouth.

At Finkelstein Firm, P.A., I take the time to craft a personalized defense strategy for each of my clients in the Clearwater area. My name is Jenna Finkelstein, and I know what is at stake in these cases and how to defend my clients.

Pursuing The Outcome You Deserve

Domestic battery by strangulation is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in Sections 775.082, 775.083 and 775.084. If they’re convicted of domestic battery by strangulation, the defendant can face up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. In the state of Florida, it is also mandatory that the defendant complete a batterers’ intervention program (BIP).

Common defenses against domestic violence charges include:

  1. It was self-defense.
  2. They are false allegations.
  3. The injuries obtained by the alleged victim were accidental.
  4. The injuries obtained by the alleged victim do not fit the definition of domestic battery by strangulation.

I take the time to review the details of every case I accept to determine the best course of action for each of my clients’ cases.

Representation You Can Depend On

Being accused of a crime such as domestic battery by strangulation does not necessarily mean you are guilty of said crime. There are many factual and legal issues that must be investigated and evaluated. Because of the complexities and penalties associated with a battery charge, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced criminal trial lawyer right away.

If you or someone you know has been accused of domestic battery by strangulation in Pinellas County or the surrounding areas, then it is very important that you contact an experienced lawyer immediately. My team of investigators and experts and I are highly experienced in defending crimes, and I will begin building your defense today.

Contact me for a free analysis of your case at my local office, located in Clearwater. Contact the Finkelstein Firm, P.A., today at 727-202-4418 or email my firm here to learn about your legal options if you have been accused of domestic battery by strangulation. Start building your defense immediately.